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Waiver of Liability and Release



I acknowledge that my participation in fitness activities, including but not limited to weight training, cardiovascular exercises, classes, and use of gym equipment at Swet Suites, involves certain inherent risks. I understand that participation in any physical activity may result in injury, illness, or even death. I voluntarily accept these risks and fully assume responsibility for any and all damages or injuries, whether physical, emotional, or property-related, that I may incur as a result of taking part in such activities.


I acknowledge that Swet Suites recommends consulting a physician before engaging in any fitness or exercise program. I further confirm that I am in good health and do not have any condition that could prevent me from safely taking part in the gym’s activities.


I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Swet Suites, its owners, staff, and affiliates from any and all claims, demands, damages, or legal liability arising from my participation in any gym activities or use of gym equipment, whether caused by negligence or otherwise.


Assumption of Risk

I understand that certain risks are associated with physical fitness activities, including but not limited to:

1. Injuries from the use of equipment, whether used properly or improperly.

2. Injuries due to my own negligence or that of other participants.

3. Strain or injuries caused by engaging in fitness activities that exceed my physical limitations.


Medical Treatment

In the event of an emergency, I authorize Swet Suites to seek medical treatment on my behalf if I am unable to do so. I understand that I will be responsible for any medical expenses incurred.


Media Release

I consent to the use of any photographs or video footage taken at Swet Suites for promotional or marketing purposes.


Acknowledgment of Understanding

I have read this waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and release agreement. I fully understand its terms and understand that I am giving up substantial rights, including my right to sue. I acknowledge that I am signing this agreement freely and voluntarily and intend my signature to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability.

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